Friday, August 9, 2013

Write a Novel in a Month

Have you ever wanted to write a novel in a month? I know, I know... such a rhetorical question.  After all, doesn't everyone? :) Last year, I stumbled across NaNanWriMo. With a name like that, you might think this website has something to do with Mork from Ork, a reference that would be completely lost on today's middle schooler.  At the time, I was 8 months pregnant, and I knew I would miss NaNanWriMo 2012 when the baby was born.  So, I did what every well-intentioned English teacher would have done.  I bookmarked the website and promptly forgot about it.  Now the new school year is only a few short weeks away, and I am rediscovering this writing treasure!

Project Overview

As the name suggests, this website will help students write a novel in a month.  Teachers can launch the program in October by guiding students through a prewriting workbook. The workbook is available for free in pdf form, but if your students need paper copies, they can be purchased for $10 a piece.  Different workbooks are available for elementary, middle, and high school students.  Students select their own writing goal (total number of words), and if they meet their goal by the end of November, they are declared a winner.  All winners are eligible for 5 free paperback copies of their novel through Create a Space.

Classroom Management

I love websites such as this that have ready-to-use classroom management tools.  Yes, setting up a Virtual Classroom may take a little bit of extra work in the beginning, but it's a tool that will help easily track students' progress.  Once the Virtual Classroom has been set-up, students can create their own account and associate it with your classroom.  Or if you feel inclined, you can create student accounts inside your virtual classroom on your own.

Write with Your Students

NaNanWriMo isn't just for students; there is also a website for adults who are interested in writing a 50,000 word novel.  Remember- be the inspiration for your students, and they will in turn inspire you!

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