Monday, October 13, 2008

10-20-30 Rule (Reflection)

“My Wild Self,” a writing activity for my 6th grade English students, scores three out of four stars on my scale of approval.  Overall, I have incorporated many of the elements mentioned in the tips and tricks links.  My slideshow falls within the 10-20-30 guidelines.  I have less than ten slides in my presentation, the presentation itself takes less than 20 minutes, and each slide uses a 30+ point font size.  My slides utilize the same backgrounds/theme, and I use contrasting font colors for legibility.  Because my Keynote presentations are also my classroom’s textbook, they tend to be a little wordy; however, I do not read them word for word in class.  I write a lot on my slides to benefit students who are absent during the lesson.  All of my Keynotes are posted on my web site, so my students are able to keep up with our class at home.  Also, some students’ IEP’s require a copy of the teacher’s notes, and this helps fullfill this obligation for parents in a way that is also meaningful to them.