Today I am visiting the AASL Best Websites 2015 website. I have found three web sites that are very interesting.
1. BooktrackClassroom: Booktrack Classroom allows users to read online novels while listening to built-in soundtracks. The music actually changes to fit the mood of the story. For example, at the beginning of the Wizard of Oz, the music sounds very relaxing and farm-like. As I continued to read and the tornado approached, the music sounded ominous. How does this work? There is a cursor that tracks the number of words read per minute, and students can adjust this reading rate to actually match their own personal rates. The website has a built-in classroom management feature where teachers can set up classes to to monitor how many pages, frequency, and reading rates of students. Currently, the website does not have a wide variety of books, and most of their titles are part of the public domain. Librarians could use this website on an computer terminal in the library with headphones where students could read quietly. Teachers could use this website during sustained silent reading time.
2. StoryboardThat is a fun website where users create their own storyboards with existing templates for characters, settings, and objects. Teacher accounts allow teachers to create a classroom and add students; however, I was only able to create one classroom, and as a middle school teacher, this could become problematic since I teach five classes. Users can try the website without creating a login, but they are restricted to a three frame storyboard and the save function is disabled. This tool can be used in any number of ways in the library and classroom. Students can use the storyboard as intended, as a planning tool, to organize existing stories or poems or use it to help them brainstorm their own ideas for original films, etc. Students can then create their digital story in another medium. This website can also be used as a comic book creator or to create pictures/graphics to use in other products, such as a presentation tool.
3. Tackk: Create digital, interactive posters with Tackk, which also has a streaming feature where users can comment on each other's work. Users can easily create online websites, newsletters, and projects. Embeddable objects include pictures, text, sounds, and videos. Tackk can be used to create online portfolios. Students can also use Tackk as a collaboration tool by sharing a page.
It is very important for teachers and librarians to stay current with the latest technologies and instructional materials. I found the Daring Librarian very interesting. Author/Librarian Gwyneth A. Jones advertises her blog as shameless sharing, and she has so much information on her blog that I could spend hours browsing it. Her fun and funky writing style is engaging with such titles as Tweet Like a Ninja. I especially liked her piece on the Amazon Echo and how she was using in her library. This is one blog I will definitely follow in the future and shamelessly share with my friends.
- The UnQuiet Librarian
- Adventures of Library Girl
- The Daring Librarian
- Van Meter Library Voice
- Will Richardson: Read Write Connect Learn
- Two Cents
- Dangerously Irrelevant
Keeping Track