I decided to learn more about Google Docs because it seems like such a great way for students to collaborate on a project. I had never used Google Docs until our class last semester. I decided to focus on Google Forms and experimented with how to add a variety of questions and how to move them around the document. I thought this tool would be great to use for class submissions on school newspaper stories. I wanted students to have a way to submit stories from home to be stored in a central location where other students will be able to access them to put together a student newspaper. The student newspaper is an extra-curricular activity at my school, and in the past, many students have difficulty meeting deadlines. Using Google Forms enables them not only to submit stories from home but to also access everyone else’s stories from home, too. As the newspaper sponsor, I was also looking for an easy way to keep track of article submissions, and I found a great tool called iGoogle Gadget. I can embed this gadget onto my iGoogle start page, and every time I check my email at home, I can see if any students have submitted stories for publications. This will help me know who is capable of working independently and who may need a little help getting started.
I am also experimenting with iWeb, a web design program installed on our iBooks. At the end of the year, my students compile a Writing Portfolio where they share and reflect on their writing for the school year. In the past, they have completed this assignment scrapbook style in a three-ring binder. This year I would also like them to create a digital version using iWeb. This way they can share their work with family members who are unable to come to our party in the spring but who are still very interested in reading their work. I am the type of person who learns best by just sitting down with a program and experimenting with it rather than watching video demonstrations. I tried using Atomic Learning, but I quickly ran out of patience with it. I like to try using all of the menu-ideas myself to see what happens and then seek out assistance from the Help File as needed. So far I am focusing on using and editing the templates and publishing to folder rather than a .Mac account.